Smook Cheats

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Smook Cheats

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Smook Cheats

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Smook Cheats

    Tibia iBot 9.83

    Membro de Honra
    Membro de Honra

    Mensagens : 366
    Pontos Smook : 1099
    Reputação : 1
    Data de inscrição : 06/03/2012

    Tibia iBot 9.83 Empty Tibia iBot 9.83

    Mensagem por shinobi Sex Mar 15, 2013 9:03 pm

    Tibia iBot 9.83

    iBot's Features
    Since iBot is built based on NeoBot, a lot of its features are similar and work in similar ways.

    - Simulate key presses and mouse clicks so that you are still free to use your mouse and keyboard.
    - Built for both simplicity and flexibility in mind to let you do even the more advanced things at the press of a few buttons or writing of a few words.
    - Many features in the iBot are implemented in script so you can just enabled them if you want but you may also adjust them to your liking.
    -Advanced looting system, you can choose which items you wanna take and where you wanna put then.

    Download: [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

      Data/hora atual: Sáb Out 05, 2024 7:56 am